Friday, April 26, 2013

Give Some Love This Weekend and Make Someone's Life Smile

Love is in Our Hands!
What we sow together, we grow together.  When we are involved loving each other with all of the passion that lives in us, we sow good stuff together.  We feel good about ourselves and want to love more.  Music lives in our souls.  Our thoughts walk among the clouds.  We do not feel the need to eat or sleep because we do not want to miss a moment.

The Desperate Need for Touch

Some do not get to enjoy love's intoxicating fragrance and taste.  Many feel no one cares about them.  These live lonely, disappointed, detached and desperate lives.  They feel extreme emotional pain feeling no one wants them to feel them, touch them or love them.

This perception prompts many to become addicted to substances, risky behavior and anything to numb the pain.  People desperate for love and touch will do stupid things to get anyone to give them some attention. 

They will give themselves to people who will only use them and not care about them, take from them and not give to them. When the users finish with them, they simply throw them away.

Ways to Touch with Love

Make a difference in someone's life this weekend if but for a moment.  Spend time with a single parent.  Take them to McDonalds.  Buy their children happy meals, preferably healthy ones.  After they eat, talk to parent while children play.

Hug someone who needs the comfort of touch.  Where appropriate and safe for you, offer someone a feet, hand or back massage in a chair.  If touching is not good for you, pool some money with friends and get a massage for someone.

Visit a nursing home and a senior you do not know to bring them a moment's joy.  Call a member of your family.  Let them know you were thinking about them. 

Help someone with a chore. Help a student with study.  Help a food pantry pack food boxes.  

Love Gives Gratitude

After you give your love away this weekend loving others, give thanks.  You will feel more thankful for the love alive in you and the love you share with the ones you share your love.

Show your gratitude by being aware of the love in your intimate touch you share.  Hug a little tighter.  Kiss a little longer.  Express thankful happiness for the love you share. Smile. Feel love’s electrical glow.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Rachel Beckwith's Hope for Clean Water

How Small Children Make a Difference

How to Be Relevant at Every Age Through Giving Gifts and Volunteering Series

To be relevant at every age, it is only necessary to find individuals and groups you can give helpful gifts to or volunteer to help them with necessary tasks. People love to give to others and serve others because it makes them feel good. From small children to teens, to young, middle and senior adults, people find ways to give to others through gifts and service. They give gifts and serve because it is a cool right thing to do. They also do it because it feels good.

The following is the report of one very cool kid. She gave gifts that continue to inspire.

Rachel Beckwith's Hope for Clean Water

Small children make things to give to their parents. It makes them feel good. Some children are inspired to give gifts beyond their family volunteering to help others.

MSNBC Journalist James Eng wrote about one inspiring nine-year-old who wanted to give the gift of clean water to children in Africa. Her name is Rachel Beckwith.

Rachel was inspired to ask people not to give her presents on her ninth birthday. Instead, she asked people to give to her favorite clean water charity. Rachel wanted to help bring safe clean drinking water to developing countries.

Rachel hoped to raise $300. She received over $200. This was short of her goal. She was going to try again on her next birthday, a birthday that would not come. Rachel died shortly afterwards from injuries in a multiple car crash.

Her influence did not end with her death. It grew and grew. People from around the world learned of her and donated to her charity. 1.26 million dollars came to the charity by the end of contributions. One of Rachel's kidneys went to an unidentified man from California.

To be relevant at every age, it is only necessary to find individuals and groups you can give helpful gifts to or volunteer to help them with necessary tasks. Rachel Beckwith did.

The final report of this dynamic little Miss came on NBC's Nightly News.

Fishers of Men What Single Women Should Know About Looking for Husbands

The goal of love for a lifetime is a primary imperative for many women sorting through the rituals of dating, mating, and marriage with limited success in the era of fast food and technology.This book is a how to guide for women responding to the call of their biological prompts as efficiently as possible.

Fishers of men guides women through the process of developing self – awareness, discovering personal motivation, learning how to negotiate relationship, knowing where to fish for men and how. This is the book for women who have a zero tolerance for immature men who are going no where. This is for the serious woman who is willing to give and share all of her in the good times and the not so good times with the man she loves.

Get Fishers of Men on Amazon for the Kindle, Kindle Apps and the Kindle App Reader.

The Influence is Coming by Majel Montana

The Influence is Coming is a political thriller capturing the American reality with right wing and left wing forces engaged in a conlfict to determine whether or not America will create a new future or retreat into an exclusive past.  From the author of the Democracy Tattoo Series, Majel Montana opens with a bang and does not stop.

The President of the United States receives an ultimatum by a group of domestic terrorists who call themselves the Deciders. They make demands that if not met in 11 days, more than one million Americans will die. Decider demands include ending all wars, foreign aid, illegal immigration, space exploration, and the presence of the United Nations on American Soil.

To demonstrate their commitment, seven U. S. Sailors are killed in Norfolk 24 hours after returning home from the Midlands Gulf War. 20 U.S. Senators of the opposition party are killed in simultaneous raids.

Partnered with an impotent congress, plagued by a failing economy, a rising unemployment, immigration out of control in the southwest, and three continuing wars; the President races against time for information to prevent the unthinkable from happening.

Is it the end of America, or will the government of the former one nation under God republic find the courage and character to do what must be done to save the nation?

Get the Influence is Coming for your Kindle, Kindle Apps, or Kindle Cloud Reader.

How to Get Latest Publications from Oscar Crawford Media

Get latest publications NOW from Oscar Crawford Media on Amazon for your Kindle, Kindle Apps, and the Kindle Cloud Reader.


For the child in us all at every age and every stage, The Hawk and the Lady Bug is the story of two who share a love for flying but come from very different cultures and communities. They are different by size and tradition. Can culture and difference keep them from becoming friends? Fly with the Hawk and the Lady Bug. How far will you go for friendship?

The Hawk and the Ladybug is also available in Spanish.

 The Hawk and the Ladybug is also available in Portuguese.

How to Protect Your Family in Crisis Requires Advance Planning

 “Sooner or later comes a crisis in our affairs, and how we meet it determines our future happiness and success. Since the beginning of time, every form of life has been called upon to meet such crisis…..Constant repetition carries conviction."  Robert Collier
Protecting my family is a moral imperative.  I have trained my children how to respond in times of crisis. The first time I asked them what they would do if a person came into a room with a gun with intent to kill us, there were shocked.

After the responses of Dad, why do you ask us that?  They said the idea scared them and they did not know what they would do.

We talked.  I showed them a designed plan that left them with their mouths open.  I told them we could all sit still and die or we could act.

The next revelation made it worse.  I told them one of us would likely die and another of us injured.  We prayed and laid out a plan.

Step One – Action Distraction

My job as parent is to get between my children and the gun.  Both hands must go for the hand with the gun.  There will still be a free hand.

Step Two – Counter Attack

My oldest attacks the person behind the knees.  We want the one with the gun on the floor.

My second oldest goes for the free hand to bite as hard as possible.  The youngest is to hit the one with the gun in the throat as hard as possible and then go for the eye. 

In the first seconds, we must size up our setting as we act.  Something in the room may be available for use as a weapon.  The goal is to disable our attacker. 

Step Three – Attack Until Threat Resolved

Counter attack continues until threat managed or eliminated.  We stay the course even if the gun goes off.  None of us let go of our objective until it is clear our attacker is unconscious or dead, whichever comes first.  We execute without prejudice.

Step Four – Restrain and Detain

Restrain attacker even if unconscious before managing personal wounds.  Move the gun away from the attacker.

Step Five – Attend Wounds and Call 911

This activity can happen in 15 – 45 seconds or less.  When it is over, fear will hit while adrenaline rush continues.  As soon as possible, find a way to center emotionally enough to call 911 and make a report.

When a person shows up with a gun is not the time to ask them to wait while you develop a response plan.  Response plans developed in advance increase the probability of survival.  How are you protecting your family?

Monday, April 15, 2013

Why Love is My Super Power

I love myself.  I love myself a lot.  Love is my super power.  It is who I am, what I am, how I am, where I am and when I am.  Love is the coolest and the hottest things I do on purpose with intention. 

I did not give myself this super power.  It did not begin with me.  It shall not end with me.

Its gifts, privileges and responsibilities have been handed down through generations of keepers of the super power gift.  We love because we have been loved, taught to love, trained to love and had love modeled for us.

Intentional and On Purpose Love

Intentional and on purpose love prompts the desire to connect though touch.  Touching others with love gives emotionally, spiritually, and physically.  It communicates the Namaste Greeting handed down by Buddhists and Hindus.  In our giving of ourselves to each other, we communicate the privilege to honor each individual and the God in them.

This kind of love must be intentional, on purpose and may not be premised upon manipulation to get something.  It seeks only the experience of joy to give honor and recognition. 

Fascinating Love

People are fascinating to experience and appreciate across the global village. We all made of the same stuff.  At our core, we are a shared energy and consciousness seeking resolution of our yin and yang reciprocals. 

We all have the same human experience but we do not all do things the same way.  We all eat but we do not all eat the same foods the same way.  We are living art dancing through the cosmos experiencing flavors, sound and light. 

We date, mate and procreate.  We connect and connect and connect.  We reproduce new versions of ours extended selves.  We experience meaning through our connections, incidental or intentional.  Some of our most pleasant experiences happened incidentally and become intentional. We are the produce of the Earth, the children of the heavens.  We are fascinating.

Super Power Love

Tell us what we cannot do and our super power love kicks in.  Love exponentially intensifies our focus.  We commit to the task until we will find a way to survive the challenges of tragedy or triumph.

Our super power comes from a place beyond ourselves where we always are.  It is gift to us.  We are its keepers until time to pass it on.

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Saturday, April 13, 2013

How Love Evolves in Three Stages

"When you are courting a nice girl, an hour seems like a second.  When you sit on a red-hot coal, a second seems like an hour.  That is relativity. ~Albert Einstein

Discovering real love follows three stages of development.       
  •  the euphoria,     
  • after the euphoria and       
  •  into love and truth

The Euphoria

Love and truth are incompatible in early courtship because excited new lovers are under the explosive influence of love potions generated in the brain and released throughout their bodies.  Lovers experience intense feelings of rapturous euphoria and want to keep on feeling it. 

They do not want to be separate for a moment.  The juiced up sensation of their feel good experience is addictive.  They feel sick when a part and can only think of how soon they can be together again.

After the Euphoria

When new lovers emerge from the euphoria of their erotic romance, they discover their new world is small.  Friends and family do not feel important.   Intense and unsustainable feelings fade as reality invades and the magic disappears. 

Lovers face new questions.   What have they done?  Do they like each other?  Do they discover their lover is someone very different than they thought?  Handsome and exciting turned into ordinary.   Sexy turned into average.  Is it the end or real opportunity for lasting love and relationship to emerge?

Into Love and Truth

Lovers who have fallen in love without the intentional investment of getting to know each other discover they have new decisions to make after the euphoria.  Love and truth have opportunity to evolve in relationship when lovers are mature enough to step back to think, get to know themselves and each other. 

New decisions for love and relationship surface from openly shared information.  Love and truth come about when lovers share their real physical and emotional hopes, dreams, wants and needs. 

Expressed willingness to give to each other to meet real physical and emotional hopes, dreams, wants and needs is an exceptional deal.  Living out this negotiated agreement born of mutual interests demonstrates love and truth at their best. 

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Friday, April 12, 2013

Add Value to Your Love on Friday

If you don't give your love away, what are you going to do with it anyway? 
~Milly Jackson

What is the one thing you could give someone today from yourself that would make their day, rock their world or provide them a moment's ecstasy?  Is it a smile, a song, a tickle, a wiggle or sensitive touch? 

Give someone some of your love today.  It is a win - win - win.  You feel good.  The person you gave some love feels good.  The world is a better place. Love rules.

If you are thankful for the love in your life, you might enjoy reading this:

Everyday When I Pray I Love

Thursday, April 11, 2013

How to Move From Courtship to Commitment

Men and women excited to learn the how – to’s of love and relationship get what they want from their relationships because they know how to move from courtship to commitment. Learning how to do things that excite us prompts us to want to learn more.  People excited to make money want to learn how to make more money.  Athletes excited to learn how to compete with the best want to learn how to be better than the best.  

Know How to Decide What They Want

Men and women who know how to make relationships work decide what appeals to them.  They are clear on the look appealing to them; health, height, weight, complexion and color of hair.  They know the education and income generating capacity they want.  They know with certainty what spiritual and behavioral contexts they want. 

Know How to Learn What Works to Get What They Want

They seek people who have succeeded in getting what they want.  They research others involved and invested in relationships with people like the ones they have chosen for themselves.   They learn what has been successful for others and develop their own plans.  They learn where to go and what to do to attract what they want.

Know How to Plan to Get What They Want

Plans build on the foundation of learning what works.  Strategic plans follow.  Goals and timetables are set for their achievement.   The process to courtship, dating and mating begins with location selection for meeting new people.  Introductions should indicate interests in getting to know new persons of interest.  Ask for dates and screen candidates until the significant emerge.

Know How to Commit to Doing What Works

When the significant emerge, continue to communicate your intentional goals.  Interests to commitment must be mutual to lead to relationship success.  Negotiate a mutual and beneficial understanding.   Express your hope and desire for long-term commitment.

Know How to Know When You Have What You Want

You will know when the person you have chosen has agreed to commit to you when you have negotiated how you will share what each of you bring to the commitment.  You have what you want. The sharing of fun, love and work together begins.

Know How to Enjoy Having What You Want

You have what you want.  You are committed to give and share each other’s love and affection.  You share your up moments and your challenges.  Together, you are more than when you were alone.  Give thanks for your shared love.  Live, love and enjoy your committed relationship.  You have achieved the goal of a lifetime.  

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