Friday, June 14, 2013

Questions for Men to Ask or Never Ask a Woman

Men Ask Women Questions
      Asking questions is what people do.  We do it all the time whether not we have thought them through.  This blog post draws attention to the questions men ask or should never ask a woman.

How do you feel when you have put weeks into selecting the perfect outfit including bag, shoes, jewelry, hairstyle and makeup for a major red carpet “A” list event with after party and the first woman you see after walking in is dressed just like you?  For this response, you should not stand very close because you are now eligible for a beat down for bringing this up.

How much money do you make?  If she only smiles and says, “That is so cute”, you are getting off easy.  The next level response is, “I am sorry.  That is much too personal on a first date.  Ask me after we have been arrived five years.”  You will regret asking when she says, “After you pick up the check for dinner tonight, you may have to ask yourself if it was worth a whole month of what you earn.  I am just saying.”

Why did you break up with your last love?  This question and others like it can expose how illiterate, immature and stupid one really is by the questions asked.  Her response this time may excite you or cause you to clear your throat and maybe choke when she says, “Let’s call them and have you ask them?”

Would you like to go out with me some time?  This is the question many brave and foolish men have pondered when and how to ask.  How do you feel if she rejects you?  What do you do if she says yes?  Here are some optional responses you might hear, “Hail to the NO.”  Well at least now you know.  You still have more than 3 billion to choose to ask.  Odds are good you will get someone to go out with you.  A far more complex answer comes when she says, “Yes” as she is walking away.  When you yell, “When,” she says, “Sometime.”   Well, at least it was not rejection or was it?  Then there is the one that says yes that you regret ever asking because you can never get rid of her.

Your woman friend leans over to share a quiet whisper in your ear to tell you her cramps are killing her.  This is not the time to ask a woman, “Are you not used to that, I mean them yet?  Are you not 30 years old?  Get Ready. Get Ready.  You are about to share an intimate moment that will last for a lifetime.  You are going to wish you had just touched her hand to let her know you care and ordered her some chamomile tea and offered to massage the web space behind her ankles to help her feel loved and feel better.

Are all men created equal and endowed by the Creator?  Get ready to hear her and see her laugh loud in your face for so long she just walks away while still busting up saying, “I know this fool did not really just ask me that.”

1 comment:

  1. My own personal favorites? How much do you weigh?...and always from the guy who's belly is bigger than my butt. And the ever favorite.....what size bra do you wear? There is never an excuse for idiocy......but unfortunately the idiots loom large.
